25 octubre 2011

The Neverending Story

Maybe it's because of my communicative problems, because I can't explain myself or because I'm reaching some points of unknown stress, but I'm still dealing with the registration in university and finding out how I'm registered for courses I never asked for or not-registered in some of the mandatory ones. So much fun.

Last week I travelled all the way to university at 16:45 to see a closed door without any kind of note saying: dude, we're not in this class anymore, not even in this building. Asking the janitors (my new archenemies, by the way) was an adventure, as always.
Having lessons from 8:00 till 16:30 makes Jack a dull boy...

P.s.: no wonder why I get sick so often. The streets are freezing cold (freezing cold for me, m'kay??), so you're all wrapped in jackets, hats and scarves. And when you decide to take the metro/bus/tram you discover an army of human heaters wearing half of their closet.
How on Earth is it possible that they never sweat and I literally melt??
I'll need a towel to get dry everytime I take the metro whenever it's under 0ºC or I'll just die.

12 octubre 2011

The woman who wasn't there

It has nothing to do with the movie, seriously, I only chose that title because...
PLOT TWIST: she has always been there! (hm, like in the movie).
And I was the one who never went to the right place. Why?, good question. I don't know.

So this means I finally met my coordinator, who happens to be a very nice and friendly teacher in my faculty.
Which means things are going on in the right direction. Let's hope they go also at the right speed.
Although I'm afraid "speed" is a concept applied merely on driving.

P.s.: Sorry for the spoiler.
P.s.2: Tyler Durden was Jack the whole time. Soylent Green is made of people. Darth Vader is Luke's father. Titanic sinks. His friends were part of his beautiful mind. Neo is the chosen one. Goku wins. L dies. Kira too.

11 octubre 2011

Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof

During my visit to Białystok I could see the house where Ludwik Zamenhof, a.k.a. Doctor Esperanto (one of my idols), was born and lived.

It's in ulica Ludwika Zamenhofa, named after him, next to the city center or ratusz (city hall).

Ulica Ludwika Zamenhofa (Captain Obvious to the rescue!)

The only thing I could see was the building from the outside and the monument in a square close to the house. It would be amazing if they had a museum or a library (they probably do, but I couldn't check it yet!).

On the inscription in Polish and Esperanto we can read: This is the house in which on the 15th of december 1859 was born the creator of the Esperanto Language, Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof. The building is part of The Ludwik Zamenhof Centre.

Saturn Return

So here I am, one year older.
27 springs. Or falls.

Good thing I'm not a rockstar, otherwise I'd be shitting bricks, facing death and the Forever 27 Club.

I guess this is the beginning of a new period, another circle. It's definitely a new life. Hopefully on this world.

JAJA - The egg shop

By now, there are two kind of specialized shops that I've seen in the streets here in Poland (specialized in just one kind of product, of course): Alkohole 24H and Jaja. I'm aware it's not necessary to translate the first one, but the second one means "Eggs".

JA JA! - I know, bad joke...

Hurt-Detal has nothing to do with the English "hurt". It's something about the way they sell the product, like in big or small amounts. For sure one would never like to mix the concepts "eggs" and "hurt" in the same sentence. Dude!

About Alkohole 24H, I think I'll write something more whenever I feel ready to go into one of those stores and I'm able to keep a whole conversation in Polish. The funny thing is that famarcies aren't open 24 hours, but alcohol shops are.
That's the spirits!

Duh, I have a bad-jokes day.

09 octubre 2011

Hmmm pizza...

I know, again with my dirty mind and food. But... come on!
This pizza is probably good, but for some reason I don't feel like ordering it.

My congrats to the chef, I bet he cooks with lots of love.

For whoever doesn't speak Spanish, Corrida = Cumshot.
P.d.: if someone has ever ordered it, was it good? I still don't feel like trying it...
P.d.2: I'll upload a better quality picture soon! with the name and all the delicious ingredients.
P.d.3: Pic uploaded!

03 octubre 2011

Catch 22

That's exactly what happened here.

I had to register for a course of Polish language (level A1 - beginner) on internet. The site offers a version in English for the basic stuff, but no information at all on it.
Which means that in order to register in Polish language A1 you have to understand the information written in Polish. But if you understand it and you're able to register you don't need to take the course because you already speak Polish. Therefore the only way to register on the course is not needing it.

Catch 22, dude...

The Universe is back!

The model of the Universe on Copernicus hands has been replaced!
Always a pleasure to bring great news.