06 diciembre 2011

Brand name fails. Part 3,14

Everytime I go to Ikea, I wonder how they choose the names for the products.
I always imagine a bunch of workers discussing on their coffee break:

-Hey Ingvar, does this word sound swedish and cool?-
-No, add some umlauts. (Beware my viking friend! too many of them will make it Hëavÿ Mëtäl).
-But we always write everything with umlauts! and we're running out of them!
-Then we'll have to be obvious... how can we call this brown carpet?

Kolon! Because "Rëktüm" was already taken.
And now going into the beautiful Polish language, a funny fail:
They mean "orto" semiconductors

Explaining the joke: Osram, derived from the verb Osrać, would mean something like... "I'm dumping a shit".

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