19 septiembre 2011

First days, first flu

Bad thing: I have the flu.
Good thing: I'm having it now and not during that well known, super freezing, Polish winter.
I look like I just watched Titanic, under a cover, tissues all around me, a red nose, crying eyes... minus the chocolate ice cream. I don't feel like eating  or drinking anything colder than boiling tea.

The Intensive Polish Language Course has already started. Our teacher is a really nice man and the classmates are friendly. I just wish I didn't have a runny nose, but you can't have everything, right?

The weather isn't bad. It's warm actually. Warm and humid, with wind ocasionally.
Oh! the perfect recipe for the flu! there you go... But a friend gave me yesterday a recipe against it. A Russian recipe I had to try myself not completely against my will:
1 Shot of vodka
Black pepper.

Surely, if you don't die you'll feel better. The thing is that I'm still alive and feeling worse (LOL).
Don't try it at home, guys, and if you do it, only under the surveillance of an adult!

P.s.: I feel really proud of myself. Only two lessons of Polish and I ordered it without problems! FUCK YEAH!

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