12 diciembre 2011

Super Sam is not even his final form

If you don't know Sam & Max, that means you're too young.

I took this picture during my first weeks in Warsaw because I thought it was funny and it reminded me of Sam, from Sam & Max, in a super hero style (I know, I'm always talking about super heroes, and I feel like I'm 7 years old again... but whatever!).
The picture, with its terrible quality and everything, was forgotten in my lol-folder until yesterday, when I saw...
Is this his final form? the world needs to know, I'm sure.
So I had to see it with my own eyes to believe it.
It exists!
Google Images didn't have any good pic of Sam to paste here for the lulz. Sorry.
I've heard there's an Ultra Sam somewhere. I need to see it aswell...

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