11 octubre 2011

Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof

During my visit to Białystok I could see the house where Ludwik Zamenhof, a.k.a. Doctor Esperanto (one of my idols), was born and lived.

It's in ulica Ludwika Zamenhofa, named after him, next to the city center or ratusz (city hall).

Ulica Ludwika Zamenhofa (Captain Obvious to the rescue!)

The only thing I could see was the building from the outside and the monument in a square close to the house. It would be amazing if they had a museum or a library (they probably do, but I couldn't check it yet!).

On the inscription in Polish and Esperanto we can read: This is the house in which on the 15th of december 1859 was born the creator of the Esperanto Language, Doctor Ludwik Zamenhof. The building is part of The Ludwik Zamenhof Centre.

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